Advanced Heart Failure 

Man having a heart attack

Piedmont Heart's Advanced Heart Failure Center offers a complete disease management program, as well as more permanent long-term solutions like ventricular assist devices (VAD) and heart transplantation.

Coping with conditions that lead to heart failure is a life-long journey. We would love to partner with you in this journey at every step and in every aspect of your care. We encourage you to begin a conversation with us to explore your options!

Patient Coordinators at Piedmont

At the Advanced Heart Failure Center, our patient coordinators are specially trained cardiac clinicians who understand that advanced heart failure issues are frightening and overwhelming. These patient coordinators are committed to providing you and your family with personalized care throughout your entire journey at no cost to you.

Schedule a Consultation

Schedule a consultation with a Piedmont advanced heart failure cardiologist today by calling 404-341-5296